Faculty and students are free to recommend books to the Library.
- Note: For bulk recommendations, HoDs may recommend print books for the F.Y. 2024-25 by 26th April, 2024. A formal mail has already been sent to all HoDs on 27th March, 2024.
Students/ researchers: Steps to recommend books
- Very simple procedure!
- Check the title in our catalogue before initiating recommendation.
- Write a mail (with a subject line “Book Recommendation”) to your Head of Department with the following details: title, author, publisher, year of publication, ISBN, and any other key details.
- Request the Head of Department to endorse your recommendation by forwarding the mail with his/ her remarks, if any.
- The Library procures such duly endorsed books, subject to the approval of the relevant Committee/ competent authority and availability of funds.
- For any help or assistance, please write to library@cuh.ac.in (with a subject line: “Book Recommendation Query”).
Faculty: Steps to recommend books
- (The following steps are not meant for bulk recommendations)
- Check the title in our catalogue before initiating recommendation.
- Write a mail (with a subject line “Book Recommendation”) to library@cuh.ac.in with the following details: title, author, publisher, year of publication, ISBN, and any other key details.
- The Library procures such duly endorsed books, subject to the approval of the relevant Committee/competent authority and availability of funds.
- For any help or assistance, please write to library@cuh.ac.in (with a subject line: “Book Recommendation Query”).
- Note: For bulk recommendations by an individual teacher/s, please share the list with the HoD/TIC or submits the same to the Library with a proper channel.
HoDs/TICs: Steps to recommend books
- (The following steps are meant for bulk recommendations)
- Library sends mail to HoDs/TICs (along with the prescribed MS-Excel form) to recommend books (for the financial/ academic year) required for the Department.
- HoD/TICs collects lists from the faculty members of the Department and formally mails it to library@cuh.ac.in.
- The Library procures such duly endorsed books through GeM/ Empaneled Vendors subject to the approval of the relevant Committee/ competent authority and availability of funds.