The quality objective of our Library is:
to provide the state-of-the art facilities, latest information sources in varied formats and innovative user-centric services to achieve our users’ academic, research and career goals.
We are highly committed to achieve this quality objective in line with the:professional ethics and standards; five laws of library science*; vision and mission of the University; standards set by the NAAC and all relevant statutory bodies and relevant parameters enshrined in the National Education Policy, 2020.
Dr. S R Ranganathan devised the following five laws of library science. He is regarded as father of Indian library movement.

(a) Books are for use;
(b) Every reader his or her book;
(c) Every book its reader;
(d) Save the time of the reader and
(e) The library is a growing organism.
*now a days some words of the above laws are changed to make the five laws more contemporary: books=documents; reader=user; library=information centre/ learning resource centre