The following Clubs and Cells are directly or indirectly concerned with books, reading, libraries, etc. which are run by our faculty members. Our Central Library is open to any collaborative initiative/event that helps our user community.
- Book Reading Club: To orient the students towards developing the hobby of reading books.
- Career Counselling Training and Placement Cell: Enabling the students to develop skills as required in global job marked and to facilitate them in getting placement.
- Centre for Innovation, Skills and Entrepreneurship Development (CISED): To coordinate and initiate necessary steps towards promotion of Innovations, Skills and Entrepreneurship among students.
- Group for the Promotion of Art, Culture and Heritage: Promotion and coordination of cultural activities to motivate the students for their active participation in artistic, theatrical, cinematic and aesthetic activities.
- Movie Club: Promotion and coordination of cultural activities to motivate the students for their active participation in artistic, theatrical, cinematic and aesthetic activities.
- Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Patenting, Consultancy Research Promotion Cell: Planning and coordinating the activities to sensitize the students about the issues relating to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and ethics of research.
- Literary Club: Planning and coordinating literary activities of the Department of English & Foreign Languages
- Publication Division: To coordinate and monitor University publications including Annual Report, Information Bulletin and other institutional publications.
- Central Students Counselling Cell: To provide appropriate counselling to the students regarding the issues concerning academics and other individual problems.
For other Clubs/Cells and their committee, please visit: