Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Central Library took lead in drafting Open Access Policy of Central University of Haryana and the same was unanimously approved by the Academic Council of our University in its 35th meeting held on 15th September, 2022 for necessary implementation. In the first phase, this policy acts as an advisory policy and encourages all the concerned stakeholders to comply with the same. The policy shall be reviewed periodically to incorporate all relevant aspects of open access and publishing practices.
- Download: Open Access Policy of Central University of Haryana
- Notification: Reader-friendly document of Open Access Policy of Central University of Haryana/ 9th Feb. 2023
- Notification: Implementation of Open Access Policy of Central University of Haryana/ 1st Oct. 2022

Acknowledgements: While drafting this policy, we referred to various sources, policies of higher educational institutes, funding agencies, and also consulted the experts viz. Dr. S M Pujar, Chief Librarian, IGIDR; Dr. Sridhar Gutam, ICAR and Open Access India; Dr. Madhan Muthu, Director (Library), OPJG University and Dr. Anup Kumar Das, JNU. Their expert inputs, valuable suggestions and encouragement benefitted us immensely in drafting this policy.
We are grateful to the esteemed members of the Academic Council of our University who unanimously resolved to implement this policy. Our special thanks to Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar for his splendid support, guidance and valuable inputs. We are equally indebted to Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Sushma Yadav, Deans, heads of departments, faculty members, officers and Library team for sharing their valuable inputs and extending all possible support. We hope that our research community shall comply with the policy and publish more and more research works in open access journals.
For queries/ support, kindly contact the University Librarian or write to: