Download the Plagiarism Policy
Our University implemented the University Grants Commission (Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2018 in 2018.

One of the directives of the said Regulation (6.e) states: “Higher educational institutions (HEI) shall develop a policy on plagiarism and get it approved by its relevant statutory bodies/authorities. The approved policy shall be placed on the homepage of the HEI website”. In this context, Research Integrity and Plagiarism: Policy and Procedures of Central University of Haryana was prepared and got it approved from the Academic Council of the University in its 34th meeting held on 19th May, 2022.
We are grateful to the esteemed members of the Academic Council. This policy shall inform the procedures for getting access to an appropriate software, availing plagiarism verification service, complying document submission procedure for plagiarism verification, etc.
We hope that this policy shall come handy to all our stakeholders.